Frequently Asked Questions
I noticed that some breeders have small photos along with information about their Poodles and puppies. How can I add this information to my own listing?
Upgrade to a Premium Listing, and send a photo. We ask that you send the original photo and permit us to resize the photo. See the information on the Advertising page.
How do I get my Poodle’s photo published in the Poodle Photo Gallery?
Contact us and we will respond with details of how to submit your poodle's photo.
Can I have more than one photo in the Poodle Photo Gallery?
We only offer to publish one photo in the Poodle Photo Gallery free of charge. If you have more photos and would like to have a slide-show of photographs, please contact us with your request. The cost for a slide-show is $25 for up to 20 photographs.
Do you recommend the breeders, handlers and groomers listed on your website?
We only list this information and do not specifically endorse any of the advertisers on our website. Our aim is to provide the information. It is up to the individual to review the services offered by the advertisers.
I notice that some of the breeders listed are in bold font and highlighted. Why is that?
Breeders listed with a standard listing may upgrade to bold font or highlighting for small additional fees.
We don’t actually have our own website yet. Does this matter?
It does not matter to us, but we do like clients to get value for money. If you don’t have a website, we will not be able to provide a link for potential customers to follow, but they will still be able to contact you by telephone. If you wanted, we can always put an email address in place of a website address.
Why is ad placement and payment not fully automated?
We prefer to handle ad requests and payment manually as it provides us the opportunity to control content on our website. It enables us with the ability to control what is seen on our website.